Ozempic’s misinterpreted success impact is actually due to the price.


The surge in the use of the medical medication for weight loss, Ozempic, has been shown to impact more than just people’s weight. It seems to have changed their lifestyle and food choices.

Unfortunately, this change in people’s health choices and purchases in the food store has nothing to do with anything the medication does in their bodies.

This medication is not a miracle drug by any means and is as dangerous as most pharmaceuticals on the market.

But it has led to people making health and diet changes.

Why? Because it’s expensive.

Even using insurance, individuals are reported to be paying hundreds of dollars and, in some cases, over $1,000 per month for this drug, which has an average retail cost between $900-1,200 or more.

People who invest this kind of money into a treatment like this take action to get the most out of that expense as they possibly can.

When people invest hundreds of dollars or thousands over a year for hope provided by treatment or any other weight loss option, they follow the directions and hedge their bets by making whatever changes they can validate the cash they spend.

The price of this drug is the catalyst for the behavioral change that drives the apparent weight loss benefit seen with Ozempic users, not the medication itself.

Forget saving their own lives or enjoying a longer life and a better quality of life. 

When people put financial skin in the game, they change. 

This “pay-to-play” success formula has repeatedly been proven in almost every service and product market.

I have tested this myself with my programs.

People will cry about the price and plead that they need the information and programs that deliver the information, and if given to them for free, they do nothing. Or at least very little, quit at the first “perceived” speed bump. 

When I speak to someone who needs help and would be extremely successful using the strategies I teach in my programs but claim they can’t pay (whether true or not), the number one thing I can do to guarantee they fail is to give it away.

It can be very well argued that the more they pay, the better the success they attain.

If you want to change your life and health, heal, finally lose weight, or achieve any significant health and/or fitness-related goal, dig deep and pay for it.

And don’t just pay for it. Pay a lot, and pay upfront. 

Pay enough to make it mean something and a little uncomfortable. 

Pay enough that you will not blow off that money or walk away easily.

Pay till it hurts today so you can live pain-free for the rest of your life.

If you want the highest chance of failing? Go cheap.

Your health and well-being, the health habits you are teaching your family and passing to your kids, are either worth the investment in cash and effort… or they aren’t. 

Or, unfortunately, you really don’t care that much after all.

You don’t need drugs to lose weight.

You don’t need surgery, either.

You don’t have to accept and live through your current health issues if you don’t want to.

But you do have to invest money, time, effort, hope, and actually do something.

But if your health or the health of your family isn’t worth the investment, by all means, keep searching for free solutions that you won’t use even if you find them.

Let me know if I can help, but be ready to invest. But still less than Ozempic. 

We can do better!

Dr. Don

set the intention
keto vegetable oils