Holistic Medicine and Functional Medicine are still Medicine

Both practice the allopathic model of diagnosis and treatment.

They may examine the whole body more closely, incorporate different tests, or discuss nutrition and exercise, but they still practice the medical allopathic model.

They may use natural products or bioidentical hormones and treatments or incorporate stress management and detox programs, but they still practice the medical allopathic model.

They may even reduce medications, lower blood sugar, or other risk factors but still practice the medical allopathic model.

They like to talk about repairing the microbiome, healing the gut, reversing diabetes, offering weight loss products, and balancing hormones, but they still practice in the medical allopathic model.

Disease management is 100% in the allopathic medical model.

Healing is not.

The separation must be made between pharmaceutical-owned medical education, medical doctor payment insurance industry, drug company influence on the standard of care, pharma lobbying, and the use of medications as a first intervention treatment.

I’ll be honest: I will 100% go to a natural, functional, holistic practitioner before I choose a medical option or even think about surgery, but they still practice in the medical allopathic model.

I know the difference, understand that they practice the medical allopathic model, and know what I must do or have done before considering the options.

Health fundamentals, including diet, exercise, resilience work, and fasting, are fundamental to building, maintaining, and recovering optimal health.

I know these lifestyle strategies and efforts provide 80-90% of our health, healing, and quality of life.

The remaining 20% will only be as effective and specific once the 80% is practiced consistently over time. Do this, and the 20% may never be needed in the first place. 

Focus diligently and religiously on the 80%, and the 20% may not be needed.

Lifestyle First.

Natural Interventions Second.

Medicine Third.

Surgery Fourth.

We can do better!

Dr. Don


1. End of Medicine
2. Life Outside Medical Model