Can You Be Diabetic With Normal Blood Sugar Levels?

Yes…..and many are.

High blood sugar is a symptom of a significant hormonal and metabolic health problem – not THE problem.

We can force blood sugar into a “normal” range with medications, and when this is done, over time, the adverse outcomes associated with diabetes do not stop.


Because the problem is with insulin, not blood sugar, the problem is due to damage to the metabolic machinery, resulting in blood sugar dysregulation.

Forcefully manipulating your blood sugar with medications does not change your insulin levels, exposure, response, or change the damage…..which is the cause of the problem.

Even natural doctors who “reverse” diabetes or say they do by doing “something” that brings the blood sugar into a “normal” range have not indeed “reversed” diabetes.

The insulin issue is still there in most cases, and what has been achieved is a dangerously false sense of security.

80% of the damage to the liver and pancreas seen in type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and prediabetes happens before blood sugars rise above normal.

Did you read that?

A regular fasting blood sugar of less than 100 can still occur when insulin problems develop type 2 diabetes in your body, and it can happen without weight gain, as in average weight.

But how do I know if my family or I are developing diabetes right now?


If anything is over 86, your health risks increase and you could be on the path to prediabetes, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes.

There are ways to reverse this process and restore the liver and pancreas to normal function…..but it can not be done simply by lowering blood sugar or losing weight.

Shake meal replacements, supplements, vitamins, and cutting carbs WILL NOT save you even if they lower blood sugar. 

Now, when you hear people cry,

“Why me?” or say it’s “not fair” or, “What a surprise, they were fine yesterday?”

you will know how it happened.

And for all of you who think this is a genetic problem and inevitable, it isn’t.

This condition has genetic susceptibilities, but genes do not cause it, so let’s ignore it.

I call this process “Insulin Toxicity.” More on this to come, my friends.

We can do better, and we do it every day!

Dr. Don

Message me if you want to discuss a plan and structure to turn this around.