You can Always Sleep Better

Getting Quality Sleep every night is a MUST!

Most people don’t fully understand just how bad they are actually sleeping until they start sleeping better.

You cannot be healthy without getting good sleep.

50 to 70 Million American adults report that they have issues with sleeping. 10% report that they suffer from insomnia, while 70% of high school teens don’t get adequate sleep.

Just a single night of not sleeping well can increase insulin resistance, raise cortisol, and lower “feel good” brain chemicals, such as serotonin and dopamine.

Sleep is always the FIRST priority in any of our health programs and is simply non-negotiable.

When we sleep, we burn most of our fat while also gaining most of our muscles.

Sleep is when our brain cells shrink down a bit and allows an increased flow of cerebral spinal fluid through. This enables our brain to detoxify.

During sleep, all our high octane organs such as the brain, heart, liver, and kidneys do a massive amount of work. This includes burning a lot of calories and balancing out our BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) from all the activities we have performed during the day.

If you have been struggling with sleep issues, this fact on its own reasons enough for you to make a plan and get a program together to determine what can be done to improve the situation. If we are not sleeping well every night, nothing else will work correctly.

Sleep problems are correlated with increased reports of chronic pain and inflammation, thyroid dysfunction, low testosterone, imbalances in estrogen to progesterone, insulin resistance, depression and anxiety, weight gain and obesity, and so much more!

We can do better my friends!

Keep an eye out for more sleep tips in my book and programs. As our health depends on it, we all need and deserve to be sleeping better!

Let’s take a quick look at some definitions to make things clearer and help change your perspective on this. Sleep disturbance is defined as waking up multiple times during the night, tossing and turning, and taking a long time before you fall asleep. On the other hand, sleep deprivation is defined as only getting 4.5 hours of sleep per night or less.

PS – If you don’t already, please make a habit of keeping a sleep record of:


  Quality (Rate this on a scale of 1-10)

  Record of disruptions

  Difficulty waking up in the morning

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