Peri-Menopause, Menopause and PMS

What do peri-menopause, menopause, and PMS have in common?

Insulin issues.

I am getting reports almost daily about female hormonal imbalances clearing up, or improving dramatically, once people start working to balance insulin issues.

Typical statements include:

  • “I am now off all my hormonal replacements.”
  • “I have not had a “bad” period since I started this program.”
  • “My hot flashes have gone away completely.”

What is interesting to note is that these reports are coming in from different women, at different ages, and at different stages of this hormonal game. It is also not only a few reports but many.

Please note that I am not claiming that insulin issues are what cause PMS, peri-menopausal, or menopausal symptoms completely. They just might cause some, and make others much worse.

Did you know that in some cultures there aren’t even words in their language for menopause? This is because they simply don’t get the symptoms. When you look at the details of these culture’s diets and lifestyles, you will always find that they are very insulin friendly. There is no coincidence here, at least not in my opinion.

We know insulin resistance can cause PCOS (Poly-Cystic-Ovarian-Syndrome), and endometriosis. Is it really too far off to think that insulin issues can play a huge role in menopause and PMS? I think not.

So, women, ask yourself these questions:

  • Have you taken “the pill” for longer than 12 months consecutively?
  • Do you use skin products daily or have used them daily for longer than 30 days in a row? (75% of estrogen is made in the skin)
  • Have you, or are you taking any hormone replacement medications? Estrogen, progesterone, or thyroid?
  • Have you taken corticosteroids (prednisone) for inflammation more than twice in the past?

If you answered any of the questions above with “YES”, you could be at risk for hormonal imbalance issues.

If this is the case, how can you fix that? The answer is simple – start with insulin!

We can do better my female friends, and you deserve so much more than a pill or blank stare.

We can do better!

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