Which tests are the most telling for our health?

What are the two most important blood tests to predict your health and health future?

Blood sugar?….no
Omega ratio?….no

At the current moment, I believe they are fasting insulin…..should be no surprise there and vitamin D.
A healthy insulin level is below 5….3 are even better.

A healthy vitamin D level is above 60….the higher, the better.

As it turns out, insulin and vitamin D are exceptionally tightly related with an inverse relationship.

This means as one goes up, the other goes down.

So, if your insulin level is high and vitamin D high, or vice versa, something has already started to move in the wrong direction.

Your body is not well if you have high insulin and a low vitamin D level.

It doesn’t matter how you look or feel, your system is insulin resistant, and the chronic disease ball is rolling.

Many practitioners here in the pacific northwest, where there is little sunlight all year round, see clients taking tons of vitamin D, yet it still tests low.

The same is true in CA, FL, TX, AZ, and other very sunny states where people get tons of sun exposure yet still have low vitamin D test levels.


They have an insulin issue…..and therefore, their vitamin D WILL NOT go up…..it can’t….insulin is holding it down…..and there is a reason for that, but that is another post.

What’s the solution? Take vitamin D? Sure, I do. But more importantly, live an insulin-friendly lifestyle, and if that ball is rolling for you or your family, TAKE ACTION NOW!

This process can be reversed, but it takes more than most people understand and usually needs a long-term plan. We start at six months, for example.

Vitamin D is why there is multicellular life on earth. It is not a vitamin but the first hormone that emerged to allow single-cell bacteria to merge and connect with others to create multicellular organisms through the power of the sun and eventually…..us.

The glue that binds cells together in groups and tissues, the velcro between one cell and the next, is mediated by vitamin D.

As our vitamin D levels in our body go down, our cells gain room in-between each other to “spread” and lose their tight association with the rest of the tissue and eventually grow.

As insulin rises and stays constant, it signals the body to lower vitamin D.

Insulin is a powerful GROWTH hormone. Growth, as in growing a baby or maturing a child to adulthood.

Insulin signals that it is time to grow, and vitamin D goes down to loosen the connections between cells, allowing them to spread and eventually multiply.

This can allow cancer to form; as it inevitably does, the body responds and cleans it up.

Magnify this over years and years, and we see the system weaken in the form of insulin resistance leading to pre-pre-diabetes, pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, heart disease, dementia, weight gain, obesity, and much more.

The spreading of the cells in this process leads to plaques forming….. in the pancreas, blood vessels, heart, and brain.

This growth process and plaque can eventually lead to cancerous growth.

Fat gain, as in being overweight or obese, reflects this insulin-dominant growth mode.
Being fit or muscular is not about growth but repair…..that is another post.

Insulin-friendly diet and lifestyle. Keep following for details.

If you see the warning signs in you or your family, you must seek help NOW because it can be reversed in most cases.

Don’t guess. Test!

I hope that helps. We can do better!
Dr. Don

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