food allergy

Did you know that to have a severe food allergy reaction, as, in the case of anaphylactic shock, your immune system must first be sensitized to the food or protein in question? 

It does not and can not happen randomly or without a specific hyper-immune stimulus and exposure.

The body must have come in contact with it prior and in a particular way to recognize it later when eaten to have any reaction. If it does not, and the body has a severe reaction, it would be considered food poisoning, not an allergic reaction.

When the body does have this sensitization already in place, and the person consumes the food, the offending protein must get through the intestinal wall, as in the leaky gut, and enter the bloodstream to be detected by the immune system and create the allergic reaction.

So, if we need an initial exposure and precise exposure to a food protein to trigger a later contact allergic reaction, the question is, how did we get exposed in the first place?  

Considering that the largest growing allergic population is children and infants, people who may have never had the food in question, we must ask why. How did this susceptibility get started? What happened?

The term allergy was coined in the early 1900s for the first time. Allergies, as we know them, have not been around forever; they came on the scene in our populations, mainly in kids, just over 100 years ago and did not hit more significant numbers until around the 1960s.  

The word “allergy” was created to describe a reaction to what they called “Serum Sickness.”  

Serum sickness was the reaction to injections. It was initially seen with penicillin and then later with vaccines. The change from injecting vaccines directly into the bloodstream to the muscle was to cut down on these reactions.

What was it about the injections that created these allergic reactions?

It was the oils they used in them. Peanut oil, to be specific. They technically call it an excipient or adjuvant type, a chemical that intentionally creates the hyper-immune reaction desired with vaccines.  

The stronger the reaction, the stronger the immunity it would produce, so they’re used in all vaccines. By doing so, essentially, we are programming the body to have a hyper-immune reaction to the different proteins we use in these oils, peanut oil being the most offensive. 

We give babies their initial exposure when injecting them with these oils and chemicals. By injecting them right into the body without passing through the usual mouth, stomach, or digestive track entry method, we set the stage for the allergy and, potentially, for life.

As specific proteins get through the intestinal barriers, they will set off a cascade of immune-inflammatory reactions. We know these as food allergies, anaphylactic shock, autoimmune responses like arthritis, asthma, and hormonal dysregulation affecting the thyroid and adrenals. These reactions trigger an excitotoxic response in the brain and nervous system, leading to brain damage and excitatory behavior in kids with ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder symptoms and dementia in adults.

As anyone who has a child with a peanut food allergy knows, this reactive process can be VERY sensitive. Some can not have peanuts or foods made in the same factory or on equipment handling peanuts. Some reactions can require hospitalization, and some even end in death.

The Center for Autoimmune Diseases, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel, found that: “Adjuvants were found to inflict by themselves an illness of autoimmune nature, defined as ‘the adjuvant diseases.’ The debatable question of silicone as an adjuvant and connective tissue disease, as well as the Gulf War syndrome and macrophagic myofaciitis which followed multiple injections of aluminum-based vaccines.”

Childhood allergies doubled between 1980 and 2000 and have doubled again. So have the number of vaccines we give our children each time.  

Simply put, by injecting foreign proteins, viruses, bacteria, preservative chemicals, and heavy metals directly into babies’ systems while bypassing ALL natural exposure routes and biological defense mechanisms, we have created a health mess, to say the least.  

The good news is that there are natural ways to help a child or adult with allergies, eliminate them, and prevent an anaphylactic reaction from killing a child.  Some approaches help rid the body of these stored toxic ingredients so they do not plague them with ill health for a lifetime.  

There are always options. You have not “tried everything,” and as a practitioner, I know one thing: We can do better!

Dr. Don Clum