It recycles a tremendous amount to run our body without food.

Fasting breaks down cells and tissues, but only what is damaged, sick, or it doesn’t need.

Fasting doesn’t kill any cells, although it recycles a tremendous amount of them to run our body without food.

Healthy cells have a healthy life cycle.

Unhealthy cells have an extended unhealthy cycle; some will stick around sick and cause damage forever… if we let them.

Cells that become unhealthy and stay past their healthy retirement age are called senescent cells

Senescent cells become unhealthy for many reasons related to our diet, lifestyle, and genetics. When they do, their function is altered as they struggle and reduce the efficiency of the tissues they are in.

A healthy cell has a healthy lifespan and dies peacefully, allowing new healthy cells to be made and take their place. 

Unhealthy senescent cells stick around on life support in misery, blocking healing and interfering with normal function. 

During an extended fast, two of the mechanisms that turn on in high gear are the process of our natural recycling and detoxification systems.

A very intricate inventory system is activated while fasting that not only breaks down parts and pieces within healthy cells that can be recycled, but the body will start to identify these unhealthy senescent cells and turn their natural time clock back on.

When the unhealthy cell’s time clock is reset, it finally finds peace as it retires and dies through a process called apoptosis, or programmed cell death.

Once these unhealthy cells retire, the body recycles them to fuel, fund, and maintain the body during the fasted state without food.

As cells are recycled, this inventory notes what tissues, organs, and cells need to be replaced or resupplied with new cells that will be made once eating commences after the fast ends—more on this in another post.

“The forces of innate intelligence never injure or destroy the structures in which they work.” Dr. R. W. Stephenson’s principle 25 of 33. 

A fasted metabolic state is part of a healthy healing life cycle, whereas the pathological state of starvation is not. They are not the same, just as drinking a glass of water is not like drowning.

In a healthy, fasted state, the body will not recycle, break, or eliminate anything it needs, as survival is paramount. The strongest, healthiest, cells remain, and the needs determined by this process and inventory are met with new stem cells to result in healing, rejuvenation, restoration, and anti-aging.

Learn how to execute all four phases of a complete fasting cycle and unleash this incredible force of healing that’s waiting inside you right now.

It takes learning, practice, and work, but look around our society at the alternative.

We can do better!

Dr. Don


water fast, overmethylation