How can you test or know if you have insulin resistance?

insulin resistance warning signs

Here are the blood sugar values I use:

  • Pre-pre diabetes (increased health risks)= Blood Glucose over 86
  • Pre-diabetes: 100-125
  • Type 2 diabetes: 126 and up
  • Here are very easy home tests you can do:
  • Measure your waistline: 33.5 inches for women is a sign of insulin resistance, and 35 inches and above is a positive marker for metabolic syndrome.
  • 38 inches for men is a sign of insulin resistance, and 40 inches and above is a positive marker for metabolic syndrome.
  • Weight loss resistance: not losing or gaining weight from dieting and exercising is also a sign of insulin resistance.
  • Blood pressure tests: 120/80 can still indicate insulin resistance, and 125/85 is a positive marker for metabolic syndrome.

Here are some standard lipid tests most people already have on hand to check:

  • Triglycerides over 100 = Insulin Resistance, and over 150 is a positive marker for metabolic syndrome.
  • Low HDL Cholesterol: under 50 for men and 60 for women is a potential sign of insulin resistance, and Under 40 for women and 50 for men is a positive marker for metabolic syndrome.

Other blood markers to keep an eye on: 

  • Low Vid D: is a sign of insulin resistance.
  • Low T, Estrogen, or Thyroid are associated with IR.
  • Uric Acid: a uric acid level over 3 is a sign of fructose adaptation which causes insulin resistance directly.

Remember, 80% of the damage in type 2 diabetes occurs before the blood sugar exceeds the normal range. 

If diagnosed in your 40s, type 2 diabetes takes an average of 12-14 years off the expected lifespan.

If you are not actively improving your health, you will passively lose it.

We can do better!

Dr. Don