The Six Good Cooking Oils

There are 37 Cooking oils that have been included in the Insulin Friendly Fasting Secrets Report that is due to come out by the end of September.

As I have great difficulty in keeping any secret, I decided to share the “Good Oils” on the list that have made the cut.

All 6 of them!

Here are the only 6 oils that received a healthy thumbs up.

good cooking oils

Of the 47 oils I reviewed, 37 made the chart in the report as they are being used widely, but it turned out that only 6 do not pose a significant health risk to consumers.

The main criteria that lowered an oil’s score were:

  1. High Omega 6 Fatty Acid Percentage, Mostly Due to Omega 6
  2. More than 30% of the oil is made up of Linoleic Acid (L.A.)
  3. A High Omega 6 to Omega 3 Fatty Acid Ratio (10 to 1 or higher)
  4. Being Conventionally Refined or Processed

Although the smoking point is listed, it did not form part of the criteria. Generally speaking, the lower the smoking point the bigger the chance of “burning” the oil and making it smoke, thereby essentially turning it rancid due to oxidation.

As the oil user or consumer determines if an oil is heated to the smoking point or not, it isn’t about the oil itself, and the higher smoking temperatures were usually made possible due to increased chemical processing.

That leads us to the reasons why the processing or refining of the oil gave them a lower score. The 12 to 26 steps involved in processing an oil conventionally each use chemicals to achieve the particular step. These processing chemicals are listed as toxic to humans and in some cases as known carcinogens. This results in a big-time strike against them.

Some people incorrectly assume the number of trans fatty acids is a determining factor. It’s not, that is if the trans fats occur naturally, but if they are created in the processing of the oils or through the heating of the oil, then yes, that gets them a strike. Oils with a high linoleic acid count are associated with these man-made trans fats that are created while heating the oil. These are particularly damaging to our health and even impact our genes to the point that those negative genetic changes can be passed onto our children. This reaction makes a high L.A. count one massive strike.

Polyunsaturated, or what the government and conventional health and medical associations have labeled the “Heart Healthy” fat, is the most unstable fat in our diet. The multiple weak spots (poly) that these fats have, make them vulnerable to oxidative stress and turn bad very easily. Monounsaturated fats only have one (mono) weak spot and saturated fat has none due to their fatty acid being “saturated,” leaving no weak spots to make them vulnerable. This is why saturated fats are the most stable fats, and deserving of the title of the healthiest dietary fat.

A high omega 6 count is a strike. When the ratio of omega 6 to 3 is higher than 10, then that oil will get a strike as well. Omega 6 fats are mostly inflammatory and omega 3’s anti-inflammatory. When 6 dominates our diet then we create a pro-inflammatory state in our body that can lead to pain and disease. A healthy body operated best with a 1 to 1 ratio up to a maximum of 4 to 1 Omega 6 to Omega 3s.

The more these 4 criteria are in the “red,” the more your oil is causing damage to your health and the health of your family. These unhealthy conventional cooking oils are causing hormonal disruptions, inflammation, and oxidative stress at the cellular level, and have been linked to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, genetic disorders like Parkinson’s, and are also correlated with weight problems, obesity, hyperactivity in children, Autism, and Alzheimer’s Dementia.

The damage these rancid, man-made, and chemically altered oils can do to our health is potentially the most significant environmental health risk we face. These hormone-disrupting oils may have a stronger impact on our country’s sickness and epidemic levels of obesity and type 2 diabetes than sugar does. These bad fats may be a bigger threat than our chronic high levels of stress from modern living and insulin due to our poor, processed, Standard American Diets. (S.A.D.)

So, I encourage you to take note of the oils that passed the test on this chart and not argue for your favorite cooking oils that are not here. Please don’t ask, “what about this oil? Or that oil” Or even with organic “Fill in the blank?”

If they are on the list then they are doing damage to you and your health. That’s it. They didn’t make the cut. They are not healthy, most not even in moderation. So don’t ask, I won’t bite.

If you want to know why, learn the process that makes them poisonous, see the statistics, read the research, and make your own decision. You will then have to wait for the report to be finished and released in a couple of weeks. Trust me, it is well worth it!

Let’s learn more so we can do more!

We can do better!

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