Can Kids Fast? Should They?

I think so, yes, to both, especially given the alternative.

child's healthKids respond well and have shown they can do all the lifestyle strategies I include when working with them in my programs. Or did, because I no longer work with them. 

I would if I didn’t have to deal with the parents.

Ever hear someone say, “It’s better to eat something than nothing at all.”

I sure have, and my answer is: No, it’s not.

Not if you give your child fructose or sugar-loaded, processed, chemically altered food-like substances.

For most Americans, the meal they skip is the most nutritious meal they get.

The word synthetic applies to anything chemically altered to be something it’s not. That makes most food in our supermarkets and the average American diet synthetic. 

It’s not food, nor should it be called food or placed in the same category. 

A food-like substance is artificial and processed, full of chemical colors, stabilizers, emulsifiers, preservatives, pesticides, and other chemicals, and nowhere near natural. 

These food-like substances in our diets cause the body to work harder and deplete some of our natural resources and nutrients during processing. In essence, they can be called anti-nutrients or nutrient-depleting substances.

Whatever it says on the label doesn’t matter. The cost to your body for ingesting them is higher than any potential benefit.

Most children would be better off skipping a meal like that than eating it. Kids won’t starve or be scarred for life emotionally, and they’re not going rebel by eating more of it later in life.

A parent isn’t good just because their child doesn’t die or get seriously ill while under your care for 18 years. That’s the bare minimum basic standard not to be considered criminally neglectful.

Raising a child in a somewhat healthy environment in today’s world takes planning, learning, and trial and error. A child’s habits and behaviors later in life are formed by learning from the parents during early childhood.

I get that it takes time, food is expensive, or you need to learn something or try new things, and that’s what being a good parent means. That should be expected, not seen as going above and beyond.

Who said that parenting is easy? No one. No one also said every step and lesson would be outlined for you from day one. That’s your job to show interest and learn what to feed your kids.

If you don’t know what to do or how to approach your kid’s diet, follow someone who seems to know and start your learning process, and when ready, take the reigns yourself. But don’t just give up or choose to do the minimum. That could be deadly these days, and your kids and so do you deserve better.

Conflicting information will seem less opposing when you build your education base and get some changes going for the better. It won’t always seem so overwhelming. Pick something to try or learn, and dive into it.

Don’t worry about picking the wrong diet or eating concept. Just get started making changes. As Martin Luther King Jr said, “if you’re not in a fight, find one, pick a side, and jump in.”

You need to choose a lane and start working. Learn whatever it is, apply it, and then check your results as you go. Try something new and do the same until you have what you’re confident in.

Don’t be tempted by the excuses, “I’m doing the best I can,” or “I only want what’s best for my kids.” They may gain you some sympathy, but if you aren’t living it, people will see right through it.

My first response to those classic dismissing statements is to ask them how many books they have read on the subject. 


Articles or websites? 

How many consultations did they have with professionals, or how many different eating models have they tried? 

How many groups have joined for support? 

When the answer is zero, I wonder how the best they can do gets them out of bed.

Most parents have done more research on choosing their phones than on their kids’ next meal.

People say they will die for their kids, but the same people won’t live well for them and show them how it’s done.

No one argues when they say they want what’s best for their kids. 

But do they really mean it?

Time to get real, get it together, get help, and get started. Do it for the kids, if nothing else.

Sorry, rant over.

We can do better!

Dr. Don